The ban left many game-streamers in the country with a lack of content to post online on their channels. However, Ajay ‘ajjubhai94’, better known as Total Gaming, one of India’s biggest YouTube game streamers, remained largely unaffected by the ban. The gamer reveals that one of the reasons he did not ‘run out’ of content was because he tried new games as well.
Total Gaming’s post-PUBG advice: invest time in new games
While some were still using unofficial methods to run PUBG Mobile post the ban, a large chunk of PUBG players in the country eventually stopped using the often complex methods to play the game. This led to many recently turned gaming enthusiasts look at other titles like Call of Duty Mobile and Garena Free Fire.
PUBG Release Date: Know More
2020 was indeed a phenomenal year for gaming companies and gamers alike. However, it did lay a difficult road for the gaming professionals and content creators who were solely playing PUBG,” he adds. “These gamers who were only playing PUBG not only witnessed a huge drop in their income/revenue after the app was banned in India but also learned that they have to invest their time in playing multiple games.”