WhatsApp and Instagram were hit on March 19 at 11 pm in India as users took to social media platforms to complain about the services being down.
Downdetector, that provides realtime overview of issues and outages with all kinds of social media platforms said in a tweet that Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp and Instagram were facing technical issues.
As of now, the company has not made any official comment on the outage. However, people across the country have been tweeting about the same on Twitter. According to the data shown on DownDetector, 67 per cent people are unable to refresh their news feed on Instagram while 19% are unable to login to their accounts. The remaining 13% have been complaining about Instagram.com being unresponsive.
Most WhatsApp users are unable to send or receive messages. As for the Facebook users, they have been complaining about a total blackout on the website as well as the mobile app.
Technical Issue